Cheap Car Ready to Enter Indonesia (Mobil Rp 60 Jutaan Siap Meluncur di Indonesia)

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VIVAnews – the car manufacturer, the origin of Thailand to ask permission of the government of Indonesia on the export of eco car cheap car to Indonesia.

General Chairman of the Motor Vehicle Industry Association Bambang Trisulo, said that Thailand’s car manufacturers have permission to submit seven departments. Among others, the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Environment, and Department of Energy.

“Gaikindo strongly support this effort,” said Bambang to VIVAnews in Jakarta, on Tuesday 7 April 2009. Price the car home that Thailand planned to be marketed at the price of Rp 60 million per unit.

According to Bambang, the car is in the process of consent is a cheap environmentally friendly cars. Standard test emisinya is Euro 4. “Therefore, rather ribet requirements,” he said,

In addition Thailand original manufacturer, local manufacturer, submit a plan are also making the car cheaper permission. Cars will also be marketed Rp 60 million. “Yes this still depends on the exchange rate. If the stable is still worth it,” he said.

Bambang said, support is needed if the government wants the car can be cheaper to run in Indonesia. Making Avanza-Xenia by Daihatsu and Toyota Indonesia is a significant step to improve national automotive sales. “Avanza-Xenia can be sold if the Rp 60 million without taxes. Not much different with other countries cheaper cars,” he said.

However, Bambang said, the price of cheap cars that are very vulnerable in the rupiah exchange rate against U.S. dollars. Therefore, national economic stability is very important. “Useless make our prices cheap, but suddenly rupiah weakening,” he said.

According to Bambang, the needs of the car is very cheap for the Indonesian people is required. Of course, do not see the Jakarta and it’s traffic jam very severe. However, the needs of local people who are in need. “Look at Irian, Sumatra, Kalimantan. With cheap car, certainly the people (there) was very helpful,” he said.
• VIVAnews

Hadi Suprapto

VIVAnews – Pabrikan mobil asal Thailand tengah mengajukan izin kepada pemerintah Indonesia atas ekspor mobil murah atau eco car ke Indonesia.

Ketua Umum Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Bambang Trisulo mengatakan, produsen mobil Thailand itu telah mengajukan izin ke tujuh departemen. Antara lain Departemen Perindustrian, Departemen Perdagangan, Departemen Lingkungan Hidup, dan Departemen Energi.

“Gaikindo sangat mendukung usaha ini,” kata Bambang kepada VIVAnews di Jakarta, Selasa 7 April 2009. Harga mobil asal Thailand itu rencananya akan dipasarkan pada harga Rp 60 juta per unit.

Menurut Bambang, mobil yang sedang dalam proses izin ini merupakan mobil murah ramah lingkungan. Standar uji emisinya sudah Euro 4. “Karena itu persyaratannya agak ribet,” katanya,

Selain pabrikan asal Tahiland, pabrikan lokal juga sedang merencanakan mengajukan izin pembuatan mobil murah. Mobil itu juga akan dipasarkan Rp 60 jutaan. “Ya ini masih tergantung nilai tukar. Kalau stabil masih seharga itu,” katanya.

Bambang mengatakan, dukungan pemerintah diperlukan jika keinginan mobil murah bisa berjalan di Indonesia. Pembuatan Avanza-Xenia oleh Toyota dan Daihatsu Indonesia merupakan langkah nyata meningkatkan penjualan otomotif nasional. “Avanza-Xenia bisa dijual Rp 60 juta jika tanpa pajak. Tidak jauh beda dengan mobil murah negara lain,” ujarnya.

Namun, Bambang mengatakan, harga mobil murah yang ditawarkan sangat rentan dengan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika. Sebab itu, kestabilan ekonomi nasional sangat penting. “Percuma kami memembuat harga murah, tapi tiba-tiba rupiah melemah,” katanya.

Menurut Bambang, kebutuhan mobil murah sangat diperlukan bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Tentunya, jangan melihat Jakarta yang kemacetannya sangat parah. Namun kebutuhan masyarakat daerah yang sangat membutuhkan. “Lihat di Irian, Sumatra, Kalimantan. Dengan mobil murah, pasti sangat membantu masyarakat,” katanya.
• VIVAnews

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