Garmin Mobile XT 5.00.30 now support touch screen

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Garmin Mobile
Nokia 5800 Xpress Music now can install and use Garmin Mobile XT, since garmin released new version of garmin mobile XT on 02/26/09. This version of garmin XT support touch screen and claimed has improvement in map drawing performance. Garmin XT 5.00.30 also background service that monitors incoming messages which may contain information used by Garmin Mobile XT.

Changes made from version 5.00.20 to 5.00.30:
* Provide support for Nokia 5800 (S60 touch screen).
* Provide a background service that monitors incoming messages which may contain information used by Garmin Mobile XT. A new setting will allow the user to turn this option off (Tools -> Settings -> System -> Launch Background Service).
* Improve map drawing performance.

Installation Instructions

1. As with any software update, you should always create a backup of the data on your device before beginning. Please see the information provided in the user manual for your device for more information.
2. To import your existing saved settings/waypoints/routes/tracks after you have updated to the latest version, you will need to export them to the SD card at this time. Select Tools->Manage My Data then select the Manage option. Select Export GPX. This will create a file on the SD card that contains all of your saved information. Select Done and Exit the application when this is complete.
3. Copy the following file from the SD card to a safe location (this file will be used to import your saved information later):
(SD card)\Garmin\GPX\CURRENT.GPX
After copying this file, delete the file from the SD card.
4. Insert the SD card into your card reader. (Applicable for most Symbian OS devices – some Nokia phones offer ‘Data Transfer’ mode when connected to the PC and will allow the phone to act like a USB card reader.)
5. To begin the SD card setup, select the ‘Download’ link found on this web page.
6. Select to ‘Run’ or ‘Save’ the file. Selecting ‘Run’ will immediately launch the install program. Selecting ‘Save’, will save the file to your PC and require you to launch the install program from the saved location.
7. If you receive an error copying the files to the destination SD card, you will need to manually browse the card to remove the following two files:
(SD card)\Garmin\Apps\Symbian\res\GarminMobileXT.SIS
(SD card)\private\10202dce\GarminMobileXT_PA.SIS
Rerun the file downloaded from the link on this web page (Step 5).
8. Follow the directions provided when running the downloaded program and directions provided on the device display to complete the application update. Insert the SD card into the phone (if necessary).
IMPORTANT: If the installation/update does not occur automatically upon insertion of the SD card into your device, browse to the SD card root directory and manually run the GarminMobileXT.SIS file. You can verify the present version of the application by going to the Tools -> Settings -> About page.
9. Exit the application (if necessary). Copy the CURRENT.GPX file saved in Step 2 to SD card location: \Garmin\GPX\CURRENT.GPX
Replace the existing file on the SD card if necessary.
10. Start the application. The import of the data should happen automatically. If it does not, select Tools->Manage My Data then select the Manage option. Select Import GPX. Your saved application data should now be available.
11. You will need to keep the SD card inserted in your device for the voice, help and basemap files. This SD card can also be used to hold your detailed maps.


* This Garmin Mobile XT application is designed for use on Symbian smartphone devices running S60(ie. Nokia E6x, Nokia N7x) 3rd Edition OS .
* You must have a previous version of the XT software installed on your SD card to have all of the help files, voice files and basemap files. These are not included with this update.
* During installation, you will be prompted to turn on your Garmin GPS. Please Note: You will not gain access to Garmin Online features and/or the navigation will be unavailable without connecting your Garmin GPS.
* A minimum card size of 256 MB is recommended for Garmin Mobile XT software with maps.
* Please save all appropriate data before beginning the update.

Download all version:

Direct link for Symbian S60 v9:


Support File:


  • Bos Yohan..kalo 5800 sebelumnya belum terinstall garmin XT, apa bisa langsung diinstall gitu aja? caranya gimana sih? awam banget nih ama yang kaya2 gini :D

  • Pada dasarnya Garmin Mobile XT tidak gratis, yang gratis adalah update-nya, Kalau cuma install bisa saja, install dari link yang telah saya sebutkan, jangan lupa install support file-nya dan basemap-nya, masalahnya garminXT anda belum dapat aktif karena belum ada kode-nya. Bila kita sudah mempunyai sd card asli garmin (bisa dibeli di toko GPS), card tersebut dapat digunakan utk install garmin mobile XT pada HP anda karena utk mengaktifkan garmin mobile XT harus mempunyai file sw.unl (berisi kode unik sesuai dengan id kartu). Sedangkan file gmapsupp.unl digunakan utk membuka detail map.

  • hehe test aja, baru seminggu beli N5800 nih boss, coba download Garmin XT50030, tp pas install ko”Not Compatible with this phone ” :(….any idea ?

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