Cap Sa

This article is about card game called “Cap Sa” Cap Sa = 13, mirip poker tapi disusun menjadi tiga tingkat, tingkat paling bawah berisi 5 kartu, tingkat kedua 5 kartu dan tingkat teratasnya 3 kartu, nilai tertinggi bila kita mendapatkan “cap sa” yaitu urutan As, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ,10 ,J, Q, K. Urutan berdasarkan Nilai paling rendah ke yang paling tinggi: No Pair = kartu tidak ada pasangan sama sekali dan warna tidak sama, skor dihitung berdasarkan nilai kartu tertinggi (paling tinggi As Sekop), urutan

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Upaya Pemerataan Pembangunan

This article is about distribution of economics, writer argue that health and education budget are important approach to distribute wealth more effectively. Written by Yohan Naftali, the text is in indonesian as final paper for Economics Development on Doctor of Economics Science Programme – Borobudur University. 2006. Supervised by Prof. Dr. H. M. Arief Djamaluddin. Oleh: Yohan Naftali Program Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Borobudur 2006 Mata Kuliah: Ekonomi Pembangunan Dosen: Prof. Dr. H. M. Arief Djamaluddin BAB I PENDAHULUAN Kunci dari pembangunan adalah kemakmuran bersama. Pemerataan hasil pembangunan dan pertumbuhan

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Can’t Take My Eyes off You

Written by Bob Crewe and Bob Gaudio Frankie Valli -> can’t take my eyes off of you You’re just too good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off you. You’d be like Heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. At long last love has arrived And I thank God I’m alive. You’re just too good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off you.

Cheap Car Ready to Enter Indonesia (Mobil Rp 60 Jutaan Siap Meluncur di Indonesia)

Source: Translate using google translate tool, comment for better translation. VIVAnews – the car manufacturer, the origin of Thailand to ask permission of the government of Indonesia on the export of eco car cheap car to Indonesia. General Chairman of the Motor Vehicle Industry Association Bambang Trisulo, said that Thailand’s car manufacturers have permission to submit seven departments. Among others, the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Environment, and Department of Energy. “Gaikindo strongly support this effort,” said Bambang to VIVAnews in Jakarta, on Tuesday 7 April

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Mr Gino’s Satay (Sate Pak Gino)

Located at Karanganyar Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia. The best satay i remember in the early 1980 is Mr Marta’s satay, Mr Marta sell his satay from one home to another home. Mr Marta took his satay with the shoulder placed in (dipanggul). Mr Marta’s satay is chicken satay with red sugar and peanut. After Mr Marta died, it hard to find the same or near the same taste as Mr Marta. Altough Mr Marta has son, but his son’s satay can’t compare with Mr Marta’s satay. After searching for long

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