Nokia N82 memiliki sederet masalah, terutama hilangnya tombol pensil yang sangat membantu untuk melakukan salin, copy dan paste text. Buku panduan nokia sama sekali tidak membantu, ternyata secara tidak sengaja tombol tersebut muncul dalam bentuk tombol #, sehingga menu editing akan muncul begir kita dengan menahan tombol #, menu opsi edit akan muncul. Hal ini akan berjalan baik bila Nokia N82 tidak diinstall aplikasi Garmin MobileXT.
Garmin Mobile XT (sd versi 4.10.60) bermasalah apabila diinstall pada nokia Nokia N82. Problem yang terjadi adalah setelah aplikasi Garmin MobileXT dijalankan, maka sewaktu menulis text, tombol # pada saat ditekan pertama kali (mungkin dengan tujuan mengubah huruf besar menjadi huruf kecil atau sebaliknya, dll), akan terus mengaktifkan tombol sorot (sehingga menu copy paste akan muncul terus). Sehingga hal ini sangat menggangu apabila kita akan pindah kursor dengan menekan tombol D-Pad.
Problem ini diakibatkan adanya program TSRAutostart.exe yang selalu muncul setiap kali aplikasi garmin mobileXT dijalankan. Program tersebut membuat tombol # tidak kembali ke fungsinya secara semula, sehingga bila kita menggunakan tombol D-Pad, akan menyebabkan text akan terus tersorot dan akan dalam modus editing terus (menu copy dan paste yang muncul).
Metode Perbaikan
Alternatif 1 : Uninstall Garmin Mobile XT pada Nokia N82, tunggu sampai garmin membuat perbaikan dari bug ini.
Alternatif 2 : Tekan terus tombol # pada saat akan menggunakan D-PAD untuk memindah posisi kursor.
Alternatif 3 : Setelah menjalankan aplikasi Garmin MobileXT, hapus file E:\system\Recogs\CARDRUNNER.MDL, lalu gunakan Best Taskaman untuk meng-kill proses TSRautostart.exe, lakukan prosedur ini setiap kali menjalankan Garmin MobileXT.
Alternatif 4 : Ganti HP anda (mungkin dengan Nokia N95 yang tidak memiliki masalah seperti ini) !!!
Alternatif 5 : (Update) Install ulang dengan garmin mobileXT 4.10.80 atau versi yang lebih tinggi?
Update: Alternatif terbaik, install ulang dengan garmin mobileXT 4.10.80 atau selanjutnya sudah dicoba berhasil
Alamat Download:
Download Best TaskMan
- (Versi Trial dari Best TaskMan, untuk mendapatkan full version harus beli $10).
Keterangan lebih lanjut:
Update Garmin XT ke versi 4.10.80
Add full-featured navigation to your GPS-enabled smartphone with Garmin Mobile XT. Just plug this data card into your compatible phone¹ (see specs tab) and start navigating. With no monthly fees, preloaded maps, turn-by-turn directions, real-time services and only $99, this easy-to-use data card has everything you need to navigate to the front door.
Go Anywhere
With no network coverage required, Garmin Mobile XT works anywhere. Simply plug the microSD card(with miniSD and standard SD card converters) into your compatible phone with built-in GPS and go. Since Garmin Mobile XT works outside your phone’s coverage area, you’ll get directions when you need them most.
Navigate with Ease U
Packed with preloaded maps, millions of destinations and full GPS navigation capabilities, Garmin Mobile XT turns your phone into a powerful street navigator. Its intuitive interface greets you with two simple questions “Where to?” and “View Maps.” Easily look up addresses and services and get voice-prompted turn-by-turn directions to your destination. Enjoy 3-D mapping and advanced features such as saved routes and tracks, custom avoidances and visible trip logs. With Garmin Mobile XT, you can also upload custom points of interest, such as school zones and safety cameras and conveniently navigate to contacts in your address book.
Get Traffic, Weather and More
Garmin Mobile XT includes access to a wide range of Garmin Online™ services such as traffic, weather, gas prices, hotel rates and more. Receive real-time traffic information from about traffic tie-ups and road construction that lie ahead on your route and navigate around congestion. View hotel rates, ratings and availability information from Even get the weather forecast for your location or anywhere in the world and compare local gas prices when you travel with your phone. Garmin online is accessed through your phone’s wireless data service.
See and Navigate to Users
With Garmin Mobile XT’s PeerPoints™ feature, you can text message your position to any other phone as well as view and navigate to the location of Garmin Mobile XT users in your group. Simply send your current position via text messaging to your Garmin Mobile XT partner’s phone, and your location shows up on your partner’s map page. PeerPoints is the perfect feature to keep track of friends and family at an amusement park, lake or other outdoor group activity.
Note: Due to proprietary and security reasons, it is not possible to transfer your Garmin Mobile XT data to a larger card.
¹If your phone has built-in GPS, your wireless carrier may block usage of it. Check with your carrier regarding the availability of GPS for add-on mapping software. Click on the specs tab for more information on compatible phones for this product.
Changes made from version 4.10.60 to 4.10.80:
* Correct ‘#’ key behavior for phones without a pen key.
* Correct the display of traffic icons in Europe.
* Correct a display error in Where to -> Intersection.
* Correct the use of the route calculation preference setting.
* Correct a display error in the traffic detail page.
* Update the QueAPI library to dynamic link.