Mr Gino’s Satay (Sate Pak Gino)

Located at Karanganyar Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia.

The best satay i remember in the early 1980 is Mr Marta’s satay, Mr Marta sell his satay from one home to another home. Mr Marta took his satay with the shoulder placed in (dipanggul). Mr Marta’s satay is chicken satay with red sugar and peanut. After Mr Marta died, it hard to find the same or near the same taste as Mr Marta. Altough Mr Marta has son, but his son’s satay can’t compare with Mr Marta’s satay.

After searching for long time, finally i found one satay that has similar taste as Mr Marta’s satay. Mr Gino’s satay has taste likely same as Mr Marta’s. The taste of satay is sweet and hot.

Now, satay is not distributed by “dipanggul” as Mr Marta did. Mr Gino sell satay using old bicycle called “sepeda jengki”. Mr Gino and others satay seller attract customers by knocking his bicycle’s box, sometimes we call them “sate blek-blek” because they make “blek-blek” sound when knock their boxes.


Mr Gino’s satay can be found in front of Karanganyar’s Market or in front of Karanganyar’s railway station. Usually Mr Gino start sell satay from 16:00 pm to 19:00 pm. 1 packet contain 20 prickers of satay and 1 lontong. 1 packet satay is priced Rp 8.000 (about $0.8).

bakar sate

Sauce for satay, made with nut and red sugar (gula jawa) also called “bumbu pecel”



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