Over 10 Victims of explosion in Marriott and Ritz Evacuated

Friday, 17 July 2009 | 09:25 WIB
Reports journalist KOMPAS.com Inggried Dwi Wedhaswary

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – According to the testimony of one security officer in one of the buildings around the explosion site and the JW Marriott Hotel Ritz Carlton, more than 10 blast victims have been evacuated of JW Marriott Hotel.

“I see more than 10 people who have taken an ambulance, condition not too clear,” said Ade, who participated in the guard around the hotel is located opposite each other, Friday (17 / 7).

According to Ade, about six people are foreign nationals. On the location, number of ambulance cars are still idle. “It’s likely there are victims, because the evacuation is still running,” said Ade.

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Source: http://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/xml/2009/07/17/0925175/Lebih.10.Korban.Ledakan.Marriott.dan.Ritz.Dievakuasi

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