Code::Blocks Simple Hello World Console Applications

Create New Project from File -> New -> Project Pick New Console Project then Click Go Click Next Select C then Click Next Fill project title and choose folder to create project in Choose GNU GCC Compiler and then click Finish Create Code in main.c files #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { printf(“Hello world!\n”); return 0; } Build -> Run (or simply press Ctrl + F10) or Press F9 to Build and Run Yes Your first C program accomplished

Substitute TTF Font on Epson TM-U220 Receipt Printer

I found it’s tricky in printing Epson’s receipt printer font (TM-U220) on web browser point of sale application, CSS does not allowed me to access Epson’s receipt printer font. All you need to do is setting font substitution in printing preferences. Open Control Panel to access Printers On Epson’s Receipt Printer do right click then select Printing Preferences Select Tab Printer Settings On True Type Font Substitution choose Substitute options Click Advanced Setting to configure font substitution, or simply choose substitute all Choose Machine Font that you like (e.g FontB)

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How to Disable Print Dialog on Firefox Browser

Annoying with print dialog? Need to disable print dialog on your controlled environment? Need to disable print dialog on your web based Point of Sale (POS) applications (e.g phppointofsale)? Need to disable print dialog on your web based ticket printing applications? Type about:config on address bar Choose to promise Right clicik and create new boolean “print.always_print_silent = true” “print.show_print_progress = false” Done Note: Make sure to set default printer to your desired printer and all parameter already configured

Konsep Pemrograman MVC (Model View Controller)

MVC adalah sebuah bentuk pemrograman yang memisahkan berdasarkan logika penanganan tampilan, logika pengontrolan dan logika model. MVC bertujuan supaya pada pengembangan perangkat lunak yang besar mudah untuk dilakukan maintenance (perbaikan/penambahan atau pengurangan code). Model adalah komponen yang berfungsi mengambil data dari database/sumber data. Fungsi yang terdapat dalam Model akan dipanggil oleh Controller. View adalah komponen yang berfungsi menyajikan tampilan kepada user. View menampilkan data yang diperoleh Controller. Controller adalah komponen yang berfungsi untuk memanggil fungsi yang ada di dalam Model dan mengirim hasilnya melalui View, Controller juga berfungsi mengambil input

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